
   The rules on Elara are fairly simple and loose, but every player should endeavor to follow them, not find ways around them. I am not a fan of the "it isn't in the rules, so you can't punish me" attitude. The rules exist to promote fun and cooperation, and I'll use my best moral judgment when dealing with problems to ensure the best possible outcome for everyone. If you have a problem with anything or anyone, please bring to the attention of a moderator or the owner.
   Rules may get added, removed or changed from time to time, so make sure you check this page once in a while for updates (marked in light blue). And of course, if there's something you don't understand or you think needs changing, ask!



   You may join the following:    You may not join the following:


   Elara runs on what I like to call Jell-O time; Elara has 4 seasons, but they aren't strictly measured and there's plenty of wiggle room. Fast-aging is allowed, and is completely normal. However, you cannot make your characters younger.

Birth and Life

Skill Points

   Skill Points are a way to measure your character's ability to fight or survive in harsh environments. They are mainly used in battles, but there are a few other areas where Skill Points come into play. The four Skills are: Strength, Agility, Toughness, and Intellect.


   Magic is a fundamental part of Elara, and both humans and dragons may have magical abilities. You may choose to give your characters magical abilities upon joining, but for simplicity's sake, each character may only have one magical power. Each race has distinctly different styles of magic:

-Human Magic

   Human magic is dependent on the caster's imagination; you can make up any spell you like as long as it adheres to your character's element and isn't completely crazy. Higher Intellect and Strength Skill Points produce more powerful spells in battles. A human spellcaster may use one of the following elements:

   Human magicians also have the ability to 'sense' the presence of other magic users. What this sensation actually feels like differs from one person to another, but these rules for detection apply to all human magicians:

   A human magician may have one magical pet, called a familiar. Familiars may be unusually intelligent, possess magical abilities, or have other uncommon traits. However, the magic of a familiar is far simpler and considerably less powerful than any human magician's ability. There are no hard definitions or limits for this; you must use your best judgement to decide what is reasonable and what is overpowered. If in doubt, ask an admin or an experienced player for suggestions.

-Dragon Magic

   Dragons are inherently magical creatures, much more so than even the most powerful human spellcasters. Dragon magic is primal, and thus much simpler than human magic. A dragon may have one of the following powers:

War, Battle, and Death