Welcome to Elara
Version One: Collapse

For hundreds of years, the kingdoms of men dominated the continent of Kore. They once shared this vast land with many magical creatures... but humans are so often fearful and greedy, and they relentlessly hunted the magical beasts of Kore into oblivion. Only the dragons escaped extinction, hiding away in the distant corners of the world.

Some say it was dragons who caused the calamity. Others believe that the Gods were wroth with men and sent the fire as punishment for some terrible sin. All that is known for sure is that one hot summer day, all across the land a terrible roar sounded from the earth, forests turned to cinders, lakes to acid, and the sky itself was set ablaze. The hundred kingdoms were no more.

A few hundred people managed to escape their dying kingdoms. They fled south beyond the Great Plains to the region called Elara, the only place untouched by the firestorm. Once beyond the reach of the clouds of ash they began the slow, painful process of building a new home and new lives. But these ragged survivors did not know they had crossed into dragon lands, and their struggles have only just begun.

Elara Overview

Elara is a medieval-fantasy roleplaying game, filled with magic, mystery, and adventure. We welcome players of all ages and abilities, whether you're new to roleplaying or a veteran of many years. Elara has a constantly progressing story that everyone can guide and expand; everyone has a say in how the game runs and where the plot leads. After all, the whole point of roleplaying is to make a great story and have fun!

Elara is the last safe haven on the continent of Kore, far to the south where the fires of the Collapse cannot reach. Here, the last survivors of human civilization have a chance to build new lives. But with Lords and slaves, Ladies and peasants, soldiers and sorcerers all crammed into one place, tensions run high and mistrust runs deep. Add reclusive dragons and ancient mysteries into the mix, and Elara may not be the quiet sanctuary everyone was hoping it would be.

Read our Quick-Start Guide!

In-Game Information

Season: Winter

Year: 1

Auditions for Town Council members are open!

Dragon Breeding Season has begun!

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